Friday, March 23, 2012

The Hunger Games

I loved the book The Hunger Games. I wouldn't say it's better then Harry Potter but defiantly better the 2 and 5. I was so hyped for this movie, I actually bought midnight premiere tickets. I thought it would never live up to the book and I thought I knew it certainly would never be better then the book, Fortunately, I was wrong on both accounts. This certainly surpasses Harry Potter 1,2,5,and 7 pt 1 in terms of movies and probobly on the same range of the others.

The Story is set in a future where the Capitol selects a boy and girl from the twelve districts to fight to the death on live television. When her sister, Prim, gets her name called Katniss Everdeen volunteers to take her younger sister's place for the latest match.

The Movie mad very minor changes to the book. The only one I really noticed was how she got the MockingJay pin. In the book, she got it from Madge Undersee, the mayor's daughter, in the movie she gets it in the market. Also, the Avox girl was missing.

I strongly encourage everyone to see this movie even if you haven't read the book. This is one of the best book adaptation I've ever seen, just as good a Harry Potter 3 and the Lord of the Rings movies. My rating :910