Saturday, July 28, 2012

2012: best to worst

Here is just a written list from best to worst of the movies I've seen so far in 2012

The Dark Knight Rises: 10/10
The Hunger Games: 10/10 
The Avengers: 10/10 
The Secret World of Arrietty:  9/10 
Chronicle:  9/10 
The Grey:  8/10 
The Amazing Spider-Man: 8/10
Brave: 7/10 
Men in Black 3: 7/10 
The Pirates! Band of Misfits: 7/10
Madagascar 3: Europe's Most Wanted: 7/10 
Snow White and the Huntsman: 6/10 
John Carter: 6/10 
The Lorax: 5/10 
Dark Shadows: 4/10 
The Three Stooges: 4/10 
To be honest, Dark Shadows and Three Stooges can constantly change places.