Thursday, November 29, 2012

Alice in Wonderland review

Tim Burton's Alice in Wonderland is a film that I really just don't
like, at all. Alice in Wonderland is just an obvious sign of Tim Burton
just going straight downhill and hitting rock bottom. This movie just
doesn't care about any of the characters or the conflict that it just
leaves you with a bad taste by the end. As good and whimsical as the
1951 Disney version is, Burton's version does not even try to enchant
you it more just tries to make you love the movie for the visuals.

Alice in Wonderland is a movie that just doesn't care and is just a bad
movie.The story tries, but fails. 19-year-old Alice returns to the
magical world of wonderland, where she reunites with her old friends
and learns that she has to end the Red Queen's reign of terror. This
movie does not even try to relate the show back to the original movie
or book. Was there even a Red Queen in the original story? You mean the
queen of hearts?

The good in Alice in Wonderland is there, but far
between. Nice visuals, but that should be a given for this movie.
Johnny Depp is good as the Mad Hatter even though he is not memorable
at all. Actually, that is all of the good I can think of, that is sad
that there are so few good things in this movie.

There are a TON of terrible things in this movie. The story is just awful, I mean terrible. It just is obviously there to push along the effects. The acting from out main, Mia Wasikowska, is pretty bad and she basically
sleepwalked throughout the whole thing. I have seen her in good things
like Lawless but she really can't act here. Also, many of the main
characters we are supposed to like are just not likable. Both the
Dormouse and Tweedledee / Tweedledum are just characters I ended up
despising by the end. Tweedledee and Tweedledum are almost Skids and
Mudflap bad, yeah that's right I said it.

Overall, Alice in Wonderland
is just a film I really did not care for. This film doesn't even try to
entertain and comes of more as Transformers for Twilight fans. I can
honestly say Alice in Wonderland is the worst adaptation of this
classic book and one of Burton's worst films. Next, Tim Burton decides
to reinvent one of his favorite T.V. shows, and fails badly.  4/10

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